
Java technology is outstanding for its versatility, great effectivity, transferability to various platforms and its security, which combine to create ideal technology for network computing. Java can be found everywhere: from notebooks, game consoles and mobile phones to data centres, scientific supercomputers and the internet.

For many developers Java is an invaluable platform enabling them to:

  • write software on one platform and run it in virtual form on another,
  • create programs that can run together with a web browser with access to web services,
  • develop the server part of applications for online forums, shops, polls, HTML forms and the like,
  • combine applications and services using Java language to create extremely made-to-measure, customized applications or services,
  • write efficient and high-performance applications for mobile phones, remote processors, low-cost products and various other electronic accessories.

Development of Java applications

In our company RASAX alfa we use the advantages of programming in Jave (JEE – Java Enterprise Edition) in our development and implementation of 3-layer web applications and for programming to order.

Specifically, the JEE platform is very well integrated with:

  • ADELIA Web Studio,
  • IBM WebSphere application server,
  • Apache Tomcat application server.

Source: Java web-site