Key features

Key features of the ORFEUS IS are:

  • Varieties of user environments

  • The ORFEUS information system offers several types of user environment, which can be set up to suit the kind of work of the specific user:

    • text interface for routine data recording,
    • graphic interface for evaluations, statistics and controlling,
    • web interface using a standard internet browser for online access and working.
  • Stabilita a bezpečnosť

  • ORFEUS has been developed with support from the CASE ADELIA tool and makes use of the full potential of the IBM DB2 relational database environment. This combination ensures direct protection of users’ data from corruption or loss, and restricts unauthorized access. Each user environment is simple to learn and clear to use. The centralized basis of the solution makes administration of the whole environment easier, reduces the need for numbers of workstations, and provides online updating (find out more in the Technology and security section)

  • Customer-focused modifications

  • All ORFEUS licensing rights belong exclusively to the company RASAX alfa, spol. s r. o., the creator and developer of this information system. This fact greatly facilitates modification of the application to suit the most demanding requirements of our customers.

  • Top-quality support

  • The ORFEUS IS fully meets the requirements of the accounting and fiscal legislation currently in force in the Slovak Republic, as well as those of the international accounting standards. As part of their ORFEUS system support contract, customers get all new legislation updates implemented with descriptions of the changes and references to the relevant provisions of the laws.

  • Interconnection with an OLAP solution

  • The ORFEUS system offers the possibility of interconnection with the IBM OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) solution called COGNOS PowerPlay. This extension can be used to identify and analyze trends in commerce and finance. It provides tools that support planning and monitoring, and gives access to the kind of information needed for correct and effective decision-making in management.