The ORFEUS ERP system is organized into several modules:
This module forms the core of the whole informtion system. It provides a detailed overview of the financial situation of the company. It gathers all information concerning commercial, operational and other accounting events, regardless of whether it comes from accounting directly within this module, or was created in one of the other modules and then transferred into the F&A module. This module makes it possible to manage the company accounts comprehensively and in compliance with the legislation currently in force in Slovakia, but it still enables the account books to be set out and kept in line with the individual company’s own requirements, depending on its actual organizational structure.
pIt s possible to create an unlimited number of accounting entries, taking note of foreign currency transactions as necessary. The module securely, smoothly and rapidly carries out all daily, monthly and yearly accounting operations. It enables various methods of evaluation, to be applied, including in addition to the balance sheet and income statement also information on cost-centres separately, records of revenues and expenditures, analyses of individual accounts, solvency assessments and the like.
The F&A module is supplemented with further functions, for instance cost-centre breakdowns, keeping accounts in foreign currencies, consolidated accounting or standard and group accounting entries.Apart from these it is also possible to keep accounts for several branches or subsidiaries at the same time, and carry out regular consolidation of several branches to a central holding company, including the case of foreign branches, or when individual branches have different charts of accounts.
In connection with the possibility of keeping the accounts of several companies, the information system also offers the function of consolidation of the companies’ end-of-year accounts.
FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING also carries out these functions:
- main ledger accounting,
- cost-centre accounting,
- accounting, updating, reclassifying, checking, processing, cumulating, consolidating, receiving and sending of account records in both preliminary and final regimes,
- copying of accounting events,
- processing of output compilations,
- keeping accounts in foreign currencies,
- automatic exchange rate monitoring,
- accounting for profits and losses,
- automatic interconnection with Customers, Suppliers and Assets modules,
- taking over accounting records from other systems,
- book-keeping based on paper-form accounting documents,
- information on liquidity levels,
- financial planning,
- state of financial management,
- archiving of accounting records and financial statements,
This module helps to control the area of business involving communication with customers, from records of framework contracts and assortments of goods for sale, through invoicing to receipt of payments for consignments of goods sent to customers. Users can specify linkage with Finance and Accounting and other modules according to their specific needs..
Customer records provides an immediate overview of unsettled accounts, so it helps to reduce overdue accounts receivable to a minimum. Monitoring of due dates for unsettled accounts forms the basis for cash-flow and solvency planning. This module also offers various additional functions such as a multi-level system of credit control which automatically compiles statements of invoice payments due from individual customers and prepares the relevant reminders or penalty invoices.
Each customer may have their own price-list, which is time-limited as well. This enables the company to adapt to each customer on the basis of historical indicators as well as predictions, to specify price-lists in advance and modify them automatically.
Users can flexibly accommodate customers’ requirements for centralized invoicing with simultaneous breakdown into so-called collection points.
This module supports receipt of orders and dispatch of invoices through so-called EDI (Electronic Data Interchange, which is defined as the transmission of structured data between originator and recipient at agreed standards) for the retail chains METRO, Ahold, COOP Jednota, Kaufland, Billa and TESCO.
The CUSTOMERS module also carries out these functions:
- procesing of contracts, offers, orders, customized orders, invoices, credits and payments,
- invoicing and record-keeping for consumer tax,
- monitoring customer account balances,
- possibility of processing downpayments,
- applying overdraft rates,
- processing invoice payments by instalment,
- compiling overviews of payments and unsettled accounts receivable,
- monitoring acceptable debt levels, customer solvency and promptness of payments,
- accounting for invoices and payments,
- credit-control at three levels,
- rapid locating of relevant customers and their associated documents in the sytem,
- linkage to statements for NBS and for e-taxation,
- possibility of invoicing in various languages.
This module simplifies record-keeping for all documents used in communication with suppliers and which are required for monitoring balances of accounts for individual suppliers.
Suppliers record-keeping is designed so as to enable stored information to be used for monitoring unsettled accounts and payment periods for individual accounts payable and payments made. All information required for effecting payments is stored in the central suppliers directory, and is modifiable if need be.
This module enables payments to be made from several bank accounts and in whatever foreign currency is required. It provides automated book-keeping of accountable documents and creation of all necessary documents for effecting of payments.
The BrIS module operating above this module can be used at the same time as a generator of overviews and compilations.
The SUPPLIERS module also carries out these functions:
- setting up and maintaining the central directory of corporate suppliers, including on the basis of material type,
- central record-keeping of purchased material and services,
- record-keeping of all of the company’s orders, ordering of material and services, based on specific oders or on cost-centres,
- reserving material for specific orders/cost-centres,
- record-keeping of supplier offers and orders including their expected impact on cash flow,
- record-keeping of supplier invoices and credit-notes
- record-keeping of payments
- advance settling of payments, credit-notes and invoicing differences,
- monitoring customer account balances,
- automated notification of due dates for payments and overdraft settlements,
- processing of invoicing differences and payments in arrears,
- processing of downpayments, cancellation of payments,
- automatic transferring of data into accounting system,
- recording of goods (pairing off) from orders into other documents.
This module serves for record-keeping and depreciation of tangible and intangible assets. As well as book depreciation, this module also makes tax-based asset depreciation available, which means that it is possible to get the documents required for drawing up the annual tax return, and all other assessments of the differences between tax-based and book depreciation, covering the need to keep records of company assets during the period when they are not yet depreciated for tax purposes.
The ASSETS module also carries out these functions:
- main assets ledger,
- main assets ledger,
- acquisitions,
- divestments,
- partial disposal of assets,
- records of individual types of capital assets,
- inscription, activation, transfer and disposal of assets,
- booking of individual types of changes in assets,
- depreciation class codes and manner of depreciation,
- tax-based and book depreciations,
- statement of differences between tax-based and book depreciations,
- cumulative summary by cost-centres and groups,
- overview of assets values.
This module enables intelligible and efficient inventories record-keeping at current, average and planned prices.In connection with the CUSTOMERS and SUPPLIERS modules, it is an effective tool for simplifying activities associated with purchasing and sales, but also with ordering items and accepting orders from customers. The system is conceived so as to permit a marked reduction in the amount of resources bound up in inventories, by enabling rapidly-changing inventory status to be closely monitored. This is supported by automated ordering based on stock levels of specific goods dropping below the set critical amount, also with reference to the amount available in the CUSTOMERS module.
The fact that changes in inventories are monitored means that it is possible to check the historical data of inventories records, which is particularly important in connection with the trend in the purchasing prices of goods.
An interesting possibility is offered by the work with “groups of goods” feature. This enables goods to be divided into four levels within one group, then the user can work more flexibly with that group of goods.
A novelty within this module is the discounts and rebates management feature, allowing discounts to be specified with reference to stock items.
The BrIS module functioning at a level above this module can also be used as a generator of overviews and compilations.
The INVENTORIES module also carries out these functions:
- supports an unlimited number of inventories (physical and logical),
- location records of specific goods on specific shelves,
- time limit on price-list validity,
- defining of stock item groups consisting of further stock sub-groups,
- reservations of stock items,
- documentation of changes in inventories – receipt and issue slips, delivery notes,
- defining of minimum and maximum stock levels in stores,
- automatic generation of stock purchase orders based on current stock levels,
- support for automatic handling of invoices based on orders.
This module facilitates communication between the ORFEUS IS and homebanking of all banking houses in Slovakia.
The BANKS module also carries out these functions:
- automatic creation of bank orders using portable media,
- processing foreign payment notifications on the part of customers and suppliers,
- pairing off statements of turnover items with documents created in the SUPPLIERS and CUSTOMERS based on the variable code, amount and bank account number,
- manual pairing of turnover items not paired off by the automatic system.
The aim of this module is to enable the user to intelligibly create, record and process documents associated with monitoring the status and changes in cash amounts held in petty cash in both domestic and foreign currencies. Documents recording petty cash receipts and issues are processed, with easy handling of book-keeping and tracking of advance payments provided. Communication with the fiscal module permits records to be kept of daily turnover details.
This module has its own system of parameters, that is the assignation of links to its subsystems. For this reason the creation of documents influences how the receipt and issue of cash payments, provision of advances and their book-keeping are recorded. Book-keeping is possible in a single continuous numbered series for each given cash-box, with an unlimited number of items.
The HUMAN RESOURCES AND PAYROLL module has been designed with outsourcing in mind, so that customers can select their own HR and payroll supplier. Our partner in this field is the company ATHOS, s.r.o., Košice.
This module is directly interconnected with the FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING and BANKS subsystems. The software features described here are the result of progressive development in which long-term tried and tested computing processes are regularly supplemented with new legislation and improvements in user convenience.
The system is fully compliant with the legal conditions for payroll calculations currently in force, and provides clearly intelligible record-keeping. Even though the legislation concerning payroll management often changes, users are not obliged to keep track of all the modifications of the law, because whenever changes are made, they automatically get the new version with a description of the modifications and references to all of the relevant legal conditions.
The flexible set of programs is fully parametered and covers the complete range of payroll management tasks for various types of organization, with the option of extension to include employee data monitoring. This versatile model standardizes all the functions, configurations and interconnections which have proved themselves in practice with our customers to date. User-friendly screen displays permit simple, but no less efficient data collection.
The system permits clear records to be kept of job positions and their characteristics, starting with basic data linking each registered job position with a specific employee,extending to detailed information about planned and actual values. This part includes a description of the activities, competences and responsibilities involved in a certain job position, and criteria for assessing the performance of the specified job position (planned and actual), and monitoring of associated costs. The scheme of job positions is a hierarchical tree defining the organization of the firm, containing all job positions and the relationships between them..
The HUMAN RESOURCES module also keeps the following records:
- engagement and release of employees, employment contracts,
- education (required, achieved, time schedule),
- ongoing studies (incl. college, specialization, start of course, expected completion date, financial involvement of employee),
- specification of costs per employee in the time schedule (incl. courses, tuition fees),
- specialist qualifications (incl. certificates with validity period, courses completed, planned retraining),
- medical check-ups (planned/completed, results).
Potential for interconnection with other systems:
- the system is open for export and import of data in various formats,
- link to time-keeping and catering systems,
- take-over of payroll data from production management systems,
- transfer of data into Finance and Accounting,
- support for paperless transactions with financial institutions and supplementary pension insurance companies,
- statistical outputs in in electronic form (e.g. ISCP, ŠDMZ)
The PAYROLL module carries out these functions:
- various payroll systems, employment conditions, workloads,
- irregular working timetables,
- sick pay – calculation of averages, protracted illness, monitoring the benefit period, illness during the protected period, injury at work, TBC and the like,
- child benefit – from confirmation of income through to recalculations due to changing age categories of children,
- monitoring holiday time usage, curtailment due to shortage of work, absences, before leaving employment,
- contributions for healthy and disabled people, students, pensioners,
- keeping employment and pay records,
- supplementary pension insurance,
- transfer of pay to personal bank accounts,
- order-based pay monitoring,
- annual PAYE tax balancing, confirmation of taxable income.
The Financial Reporting module is an add-on to the ORFEUS system. It makes use of all necessary information stored within this system, and provides convenient and intelligible means of handling this information. This module is prepared for processing any desired compilations drawing on data in the database, basing their specifications and presentation on outputs from analyses. It covers the following areas as standard:
- creation of profit and loss accounts,
- creation of balance sheets,
- creation of cash flow statements,
- calculation of financial indicators.
Financial indicators
This function comprises a set of standard methods and algorithms drawn from specialist literature for the calculation of financial indicators. These consist of the 32 most familiar indicators used in analytical practice, organized into six separate analyses.
In addition it also enables the construction of special indicators which may be specific for the company or branch of business. Comparison of values of financial indicators with established threshold or recommended values indicates risks and the need for intervention, or otherwise satisfaction with the results achieved.
This component uses the direct method of creating cash flow statements, based on revenue and expenditure records. The main structure of the cash flow statement is divided into the fields of basic business activity, capital investment and external financing.
Apart from the basic compilations, users have the possibility of creating their own summaries through the combination of tables and graphs as required.
The results of calculations are assigned to the following cash flow and financial analysis tables:
- cash flow analysis,
- liquidity analysis,
- gross profit and asset commitment analysis,
- capital assets status analysis,
- current assets usage analysis,
- profitability analysis,
- leverage analysis.
Output data and results of calculations can be displayed in graphic form. Users can choose from a wide range of bar, pie, line, 3D and other types of graphs. Tables and graphs serve as supports for managerial decisions. They can be useful for example in justifying decisions made at board meetings. Texts can be attached to tables and graphs in five language versions – Slovak, Czech, English, German or “other” (user-specified).