Adelia Mobile Studio

Adelia Mobile Studio lets you develop applications for devices­ like Pocket PC, Smartphone, or any device based on an Intel x86 or ARM architecture, equipped with Windows CE.

Adelia Mobile Studio enables you to work with a local database (DB2 EveryPlace, OracleLite, SQL Server Compact Edition) on the Mobile Windows workstation but also offers a client/server processing architecture that minimises network traffic by optimising the division of processes between the client and the server.

The server can be iSeries, NT, UNIX, LINUX or any other server incorporating a Java virtual machine.

Adelia Mobile Studio includes Middleware technologies to manage communications between clients and servers.­

Adelia Mobile Studio incorporates an installation manager for Mobile applications, as well as an update manager for Mobile applications and databases that might be locally installed on the Mobile Windows workstation.

Source: Hardis company web-site