Outsourcing by RASAX
We in the company RASAX alfa, spol. s r.o. have been providing hired-out server capacities for several years. In this way our clients are not concerned with acquiring or implementing hardware or software, administering, backing up or maintaining their own server or operating system, or with training their internal employees to administer the server. Of course, clients do not lose access to or control over their data. By strictly maintaining ethical principles, we guarantee that your data remain secure and unthreatened by any risk of misuse.
Outsourcing IT
The idea of outsourcing consists in finding sources in the external environment, i.e. outside the company, which can provide certain activities that the company requires. These are services which do not form part of the company’s principal activity, which the company can contract out to external sources of supply. Outsourced company processes are then carried out by a subcontractor as a service provider with contractually-agreed conditions for the subject and duration of the activity.
RASAX alfa, spol. s r. o., is ready to offer Software as a Service to clients who express an interest, covering the whole range of its web applications.
Software as a Service
V súčasnosti začína byť moderným prvkom nadobudnutia softvéru ako tzv. SaaS (angl. Software as a Service), teda využívanie softvéru ako služby. Je to spôsob, akým sa dá rýchlo, lacno a s minimálnym rizikom zaobstarať softvérové riešenie. Namiesto zakúpenia, inštalovania a udržiavania licencie softvéru, sa aplikácia prevádzkuje na IT infraštruktúre dodávateľa, zákazníkovi tak postačuje počítač alebo tablet s pripojením na internet a aplikáciu môže začať používať. Zlacňovanie tohto spôsobu nadobúdania softvéru je kvôli tomu, že dochádza k prenájmu softvéru pri pravidelných (zvyčajne mesačných) splátkach bez zbytočnej viazanosti. Zároveň je takýto softvér prevádzkovaný na SaaS dodávateľských serveroch, na ktorých je sprostredkovaný prístup k aplikáciám vrátane bezpečnosti a prístupnosti.
Niekedy sú SaaS aplikácie nazývané aj ako Web-based software, On-demand software alebo Hosted software (sl. hostiteľský softvér). Hlavným cieľom existencie SaaS je znižovanie nákladov, dostupnosti hotových riešení a skracovanie času na implementáciu aplikácie.
Cloud Computing in RASAX
RASAX provides clients with a close alternative to cloud computing by hiring out its server capacities, based on the principles of outsourcing in IT, as described above.
Cloud Computing
Another of the modern-day novelties which is being greatly written about and discussed is the possibility of hiring space on servers which are located in the large data centers. Since it not important where such centers are geographically located, the talk is of these servers forming a kind of cloud, somewhere at a distance from the clients. Among the greatest advantages of this solution are the savings to be made in terms of the extent and free distribution within the world of the internet. In this way, a client in Slovakia can make use of server space which is physically in India, for example, or elsewhere. It is precisely on such servers that software provided as a service is often run, when customers find an application which appeals to them on the internet, and start paying a monthly charge for hiring and using the web application.