eRegis, electronic document management
Transforms legal duty into intelligent
management of your documents
The eRegis application is divided into several functional units – modules, so as to make the possibilities of its use more clear and to optimize the cost of the solution:
- maintain online access to their electronic and paper documents,
- keep all corporate/organization documentation in one place, including received, sent and inhouse created documents,
- append one or more electronic attachments to registry entries,
- keep records of electronic documents received and sent by e-mail (integration with MS Outlook ≥2007, Mozilla Thunderbird ≥10.0),
- make use of the rapid mailroom and bar codes for entries,
- keep records of several contact persons at each address,
- amalgamate entries and files from different years into one project,
- monitor changes in the state of documents (registered, allocated for processing, accepted, dealt with, closed, archived, shredded, deleted) and times for dealing with them,
- make use of automatically filled-in headed paper
- check who has worked with each entry or file in its history, and what hs been done,
- keep track of their own and their subordinates’ in-tray processing,
- make use of the interactive manual,
- use rapid fulltext searching also in electronic attachments,
- manage their registry centre (“company archive” in lay terms) with acceptance protocols, administration of storage units, monitoring of file storage periods, lending records,
- control disposal activity for paper and electronic documents in accord with the legislation (pursuant to §24 sec. 4a to 4c of the Law on Archives and Registries, each archive is under obligation to accept electronic archive documents from 1st January 2014).
- keep intelligible records, search, monitor validity and approve contracts,
- keep track of contractual sums,
- create in addition to contracts also other types of entries (e.g. claims, complaints, orders, invoices) and add new fields to entries to suit specific record-keeping requirements (e.g. time available for claims, identification of public procurement orders, manner of acceptance),
- set up e-mail notification for individual types of entry (interested parties receive an e-mail informing them that a given entry hs been made in eRegis),
- set up for each type of entry (including contracts) authorization of access and manipulation for a different group of people,
- use an order-form template for dynamic issuing of orders with automatic numbering, totals of items in the order and export to the printed format of the company’s orders, with interconnection to the PUBLISHING module.
- easily publish documents with attachments,
- make use of secure data transfer from eRegis to the web/intranet in XML format,
- have constant access to published documents under their own control,
- repeatedly regenerate the originally-published content using XML batches, eliminating the risk of data loss due to attacks on the web-site.
- monitor the course of implementation of a project and check documents for construction, marketing or research projects,
- keep track of dates for the real securing of documents compared with the planned dates (for example with the aim of securing building permission by a certain date, or for arranging a public event).
This module contains the core of the eRegis application, the electronic document management system. It possesses the functionality required by Law No.395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Registries as amended. This module is the only compulsory part of any purchase of the eRegis system.
This module enables users to:
This module is a bandage on the painful wound known as contractual rights and duties. Companies and offices often waste time searching for the content of contracts and their addenda, so this module comes in like a champion of orderliness in your documents. You can set up the segregation of entries and fields to suit your requirements.
This module enables users to:
This combines the idea of unified record-keeping for corporate documentation with the obligation to publish specific types of documents on the internet or intranet. The obligation to publish contracts, orders and invoices on the corporate web-site for organizations working with public funds is stipulated in the amendments to the “Law on Information”, Law No.546/2012 Coll. and subsequently Law No. 382/2011 Coll.
This module helps users to:
Although the basic REGISTRY module includes the possibility of amalgamating entries and files into single thematic projects, it could not be used for project planning at office or company level, nor for monitoring a project’s progress in time. For this reason the PROJECT DOCUMENTS module was created, focusing on a project from the point of view of its documentation.
This module helps users to: