eRegis, electronic document management

Transforms legal duty into intelligent
management of your documents


Technology and Security

Six years of development behind eRegis

eRegis is online software. End users merely need common knowledge of working with the internet on a PC or smart phone. The eRegis system is so intuitive that a child could use it.

Architecture of eRegis

eRegis has been developed on the J2EE platform (Java 2, Enterprise Edition) and consists technologically of 3 layers:

  • 1st layer – the application server which the application is installed on (we use Apache Tomcat free software for installation),
  • 2nd layer – the database server on which your data are centrally managed (we use IBM-DB2 Express C or MS SQL Server free software for installation),
  • 3rd layer – the client which is used to display the application (e.g. personal computer, notebook, smart phone, tablet or lean client).

Advantages of three-layer architecture:

  • administration of the application, i.e. updates, upgrades, back-ups – eRegis administration is carried out in one place on the central servers, so changes in the application and in individual entries are available immediately for all users,
  • the client needs to use only the minimum of its disk and operating capacities,
  • decreasing costs for network use and data flows

eRegis quickly and cheaply or nice and local in your server room

There are two ways of having your eRegis installed. Both have their pros and cons of course.

  1. eRegis installed locally on your own server, aka intranet installation.
  2. eRegis installed on a server outside your location (e.g. at Rasax or at another data centre), aka internet installation.
  1. Local installation

  2. This possibility is usually the choice of companies which have their own server with space for the application. In this case the server and application admin is done by the particular company’s IT administrator. The main advantage here is that the company’s data “stay at home” rather than travelling unnecessarily around the internet.

    For local installation you need:

    • a server which meets the following minimum requirements:
      • – processor: Pentium IV
      • – operating memory RAM: 100 MB per user
      • – operating system: Windows 2000 and higher
      • – hard-disk capacity: 2 GB for the software components and metadata, plus capacity for the expected volume of scanned documents
    • a server administrator who can carry out the following:
      • – back-up and archive data
      • install software updates and upgrades
      • install software updates and upgrades
      • – install related software on clients (e.g. plug-in for mail client)
      • – spend working time solving problems and maintaining the server or develop personal expert knowledge
  3. Cloud computing installation

  4. The possibility of having an application which you use on your PC, but which is physically installed elsewhere, is relatively unfamiliar as yet. This kind of approach is called CLOUD COMPUTING”, as if installations are dispersed in various locations, which users in fact do not need to know. This is also known in other terms as using software as a service, with the link SaaSSoftware as a Service).

Data security

Your data are secure in eRegis, even when you work on the open internet. How is this possible?

  • your access to the eRegis software is provided through the https protocol, which means that your data are encoded. Even if a third person managed to capture them, they would obtain only meaningless strings of digits which they could not possibly decode.
  • if you make use of outsourcing, your data are physically stored in our server – we take care of their security and back-ups, but you alone have access to them.